SLOVAK Minister and/or Missionary

Dear Iveta, THANK YOU

Hello, is it possible to add subtitles in Slovak language to the video in Course one – Day 26 – video Be E CLASSIC 4/2 -Multilanguage subtitles. (There is Erin with Dan)
In course is written that subtitles are in slovak, but there is no oppurtunity in slovak.
Please if it is possible add them, I would be gratefull. Really thanks.

At this point, we don’t have a Minister or a Missionary for the Slovak website, which used to be one of our largest ministries. Iveta, I’m not sure how much English speak or if you used a translator, but at one point we had Anissa as our minister, but LIFE got in the way. However, when SSG “simply seeking God” HLM “He Led Me” to post your question here to see if you and Anissa and Bernie would like to simply choose days to post—then see how He leads.
Leave a comment and also, I’d like to ask some of our LMF owners to share your heart about the changes, and the freedom since we changed to offering Ministry Franchises.

10 thoughts on “SLOVAK Minister and/or Missionary”

  1. I agree Erin, the new way we are doing the LMF’s is so light and easy. Concentrating more on Ministering to the ladies that are coming in and less on administering is really helping all of the ministries grow. I am hoping the same for the Slovak. You just spend a little time each day asking Him what He wants you to share and how He wants you to do it. So light and easy.

  2. Hello, thank you for answer. Now I try to improve my english by studying in my free time. So something I understand, for something I must use translator. But when I watch video there is a little bit problem to understand everything in english. But God leads me to wait and learn and one day I will understand all in video (I think about video where Erin talk with Dan- there are not slovak subtitles).
    Hope that in the future slovak women will add more praises and testimonies in slovak language and so they will encourage another slovak women which for examle did not understand english (and sometimes googletranslator is not very good in translate).

  3. Ivet over the years we’ve had many discussions and different things. We’ve done with the be encouraged videos but it’s only this morning that something occurred to me. So if it is my husband, my maker, opening my eyes to something new… It will work and work well enough – – something quite easy and light.
    Isabella, can you upload the particular video Ivet is interested in to YouTube? Would it generate CC and therefore allow it to choose the LANGUAGE? 🙏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻💗💗💗

  4. IT WORKED!!

    “Thank You, my Darling—you could NOT have blessed me with a more precious 19 years as your bride Anniversary present!!:

    GOOD NEWS Ivet my Husband led me HLM Týždeň 3 „On Ma Vedie“
    and even though I could not remember how to find the list of languages to choose, once the auto-generated CC subtitles were on—of course, HE KNOWS!!
    I just relaxed and clicked on the gear or cog, auto-translate, and suddenly the LIST of languages appeared… and there YOU, SLOVAK, is on the list!
    Even though you are only missing 4/2 that was once lost but we found, all the other LNG now can immediately have access to all of them.

  5. For sure Ivet, please remember to add praises here so you can start encouraging others as well. ❤

  6. Ahoj Ivet,

    vitam ta. 🌟💃❤️Som nevedela ze slv blok ide.
    Tak budem pisat aj tu teda. Podme Ho chvalit napruek vsetkym tazkostiam!!! Tesim sa👏👏👏😍

    1. Oh you two Ivet and Anissa you are such an answer to my prayers 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💝💝💝 I couldn’t stop thinking of you and the Slovak ministry my heart ♥️ was heavenly burdened. Yvonne will tell you.
      We will SSG “simply seek God” for a dedicated Administer for you so you both can just focus on loving and ministering to the Slovak women.
      Just this weekend a Slovak bride contacted the bookkeeping office because PayPal wasn’t working and she wanted to tithe—this goes to the ministers (and even invested or set aside for your daughters Anissa).

      Ach vy dve Ivet a Anissa ste taká odpoveď na moje modlitby 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💝💝💝 Nemohla som na vás prestať myslieť a slovenská služba moje srdce♥️ bolo nebesky zaťažené. Yvonne ti to povie.
      SSG „jednoducho hľadaj Boha“ za oddaného Správcu pre vás, aby ste sa obaja mohli sústrediť len na lásku a službu slovenským ženám.
      Práve tento víkend slovenská nevesta kontaktovala účtovnú kanceláriu, pretože PayPal nefungoval a chcela desiatovať – to ide na ministrov (a dokonca investovalo alebo vyčlenilo pre vaše dcéry Anissa).

  7. Anissa, I am so excited to see you and Ivet here, can’t wait to see many more ladies coming here. ❤

  8. Ladies I’m so excited to read everything here 💗 maybe we can take it in turns? I would be happy to post something once a week just like we do for blog. I could use the translator.. And it won’t be hard as l could use what l’m posting on H@L🙏 seeking Him for His plan 🙌 I would be so happy to see His plan unfold for the Slovak brides 💕👏

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