Just beginning my second week at my Nicaragua resort. I woke up and it's probably from the very first time it was in the middle of the night. I was exhausted and it's at a time when most people call an ungodly hour. These wee hours of the morning is when He normally whispers for me to get up, but this time instead of Him calling me, I told Him I wanted to get up!
Práve začínam druhý týždeň v mojom letovisku v Nikarague. Zobudila som sa a som hore, pravdepodobne, od prvého prebudenia uprostred noci. Bola som vyčerpaná a bolo to v čase, ktorý väčšina ľudí nazýva bezbožná hodina. V týchto skorých ranných hodinách mi On normálne šepká, aby som vstala, ale tentoraz namiesto toho, aby ma zavolal, som Mu povedala ja, že chcem vstať!
I was just so excited and just this honeymoon has been absolutely tremendous, even many difficult times and because He was setting me up — As you probably know from a living lesson — or maybe it's one of my other books, but being set up in preparing you and preparing your heart for different things but I wanted to talk about this morning because I came out and for the first time I sat down in the living room. Not very comfortable but I came out here just as He was leading me.
Bola som taká nadšená a práve tieto medové týždne boli úplne úžasné, dokonca aj napriek mnohým ťažkým časom, a pretože ma On predurčil–ako pravdepodobne vieš zo životnej lekcie–alebo možno to bolo v jednej z mojich ďalších kníh, ale byť predurčená, aby ťa pripravil a pripravil tvoje srdce na rôzne veci, ale chcela by som hovoriť o dnešnom ráne, pretože som vyšla von a prvýkrát som si sadla do obývačky. Nie je to veľmi pohodlné, ale vyšla som sem práve tak, ako ma On viedol.
I had my coffee and I was facing curtains that were shut and I thought about opening them but I knew what I was going to see. I was going to see buildings, a parking lot. I wasn't going to look at Paradise. The tropical plants and the birds that I used to wake up to or even the moon. I know I couldn't see it here unless it's, well, no, I probably couldn't because I'm looking at buildings. I'm on the bottom floor and there are high rises all around me but all of a sudden I heard Him sweetly singing a song, just a line and I want to share that song because I've been playing it over and over and over all morning.
Pila som moju kávu a stála som pred závesmi, ktoré boli zatiahnuté a rozmýšľala som nad ich otvorením, ale vedela som, čo uvidím. Uvidela by som budovy a parkovisko. Nevidela by som raj. Tropické rastliny a vtáky, na ktoré som sa zobúdzala, či dokonca mesiac. Viem, že by som to tu nemohla vidieť, pretože to tak nie je, no, nie, asi by som nemohla, pretože sa pozerám na budovy. Som na spodnom poschodí a všade okolo mňa sú výškové budovy, ale zrazu som Ho počula, ako sladko spieva pieseň, len riadok a chcem sa o túto pieseň podeliť, pretože som si ju prehrávala znova a znova a znova, celé ráno.
Just bringing Him right here closer to me and imagining Him singing it to me again but He talked about if you want to view Paradise, simply look around and view it. But I thought about closing my eyes and viewing it and I did. I could just see everything that I saw when I was where I had been living, but then He took me someplace I had never been before. I was on the top of the Sydney Bridge where Tara had been. Someplace I always wanted to go, so it doesn't mean that if you've been there or you haven't been there, He wants to take you there and maybe someday you really will be there. I mean I never imagined that I'd be on top of the Alps staring straight at the Matterhorn. Growing up around Disneyland where Matterhorn was there and imagining what it was and then one day I was on top of all these Alps and looking at the Matterhorn. It's my theme picture on my Erinthiele.com, but I want you to think about that and I want you to listen to this song. Don't watch the video if it's linked to the YouTube video because I don't want you to think about and imagine anyone singing it but Him singing it to you. Because just like all the songs it's just one of the songs that I listen to all the time with my grandchildren and I always talked to Him and sent her every lyric, every sound, everything I do around my passion, which is Him, my husband and so listening to some of this, to the lyrics I just want you to think about this because when He talks about pure imagination that's actually the name of it, I think about the verse and that's the first thing that comes to mind is the one where He says my thoughts are nothing like your thoughts and my ways are far beyond anything you can imagine.
Len privádzajúc Ho sem bližšie ku mne a predstavujúc si, že mi to znova spieva, ale hovoril o tom, že ak chceš vidieť raj, jednoducho sa rozhliadni a pozri sa naň. Ale pomyslela som si, že zavriem oči a pozriem sa a urobila som to. Jednoducho som videla všetko, čo som videla, keď som bola tam, kde som žila, ale potom ma vzal niekam, kde som nikdy predtým nebola. Bola som na vrchole mosta v Sydney, kde bola Tara. Niekam, kam som vždy chcela ísť. Takže, to neznamená, že ak si tam bola alebo si tam nebola, On ťa tam nechce vziať a možno tam niekedy naozaj budeš. Myslím tým, že som si nikdy nepredstavovala, že budem na vrchole Álp a budem sa pozerať priamo na Matterhorn. Vyrastala som v Disneylande, kde bol Matterhorn, a predstavovala som si, čo to bolo, a potom som jedného dňa bola na vrchole všetkých týchto Álp a pozerala som sa na Matterhorn. Je to môj tematický obrázok na mojom Erinthiele.com, ale chcem, aby si sa nad tým zamyslela a chcem, aby si si vypočula túto pieseň. Nepozeraj to video, ak je prepojené s videom na YouTube, pretože nechcem, aby si o tom premýšľala a predstavovala si, že to spieva hocikto iný, ako On. Pretože rovnako ako všetky piesne, je to len jedna z piesní, ktoré neustále počúvam s mojimi vnúčatami. A vždy sa s Ním rozprávam a posielam jej každý text, každý zvuk, všetko, čo robím okolo mojej vášne, ktorou je On, môj Manžel. A tak cez počúvanie niečoho z toho, cez text, iba chcem, aby si sa nad tým zamyslela, pretože keď On hovorí o čistej predstavivosti, tak sa to vlastne volá, myslím na ten verš a to je prvá vec, ktorá ma napadne kde hovorí, že moje myšlienky nie sú vôbec podobné tvojim myšlienkam a moje cesty sú ďaleko za všetkým, čo si dokážeš predstaviť.
So here we are. He says, think about these, imagine it. But even beyond what you can imagine, His ways are higher and then I also love where He says, you know, God can do anything more than you can ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams. That's one of the lyrics in this song. He talks about, you know you want to be a dreamer, dream. Be one. You're supposed to be one that's what He wants you to be, not like the world does, in a different way taking everything and just bringing it right to the world of His creation. That's what He says, The world of my creation. You know if you want to view Paradise, simply look around and view it.
Takže tu to máme. On hovorí, premýšľaj o tom, predstav si to. Ale dokonca aj nad rámec toho, čo si dokážeš predstaviť, Jeho cesty sú vyššie. A potom tiež milujem, keď hovorí, vieš, Boh dokáže urobiť čokoľvek viac, než si dokážeš predstaviť, uhádnuť alebo požiadať vo svojich najdivokejších snoch. To je jeden z textov tejto piesne. Hovorí o tom, vieš, že chceš byť snílek, snívaj. Buď jedna taká. Mala by si byť tým, čím On chce, aby si bola. Nie tak, ako to robí svet, ale iným spôsobom berúc všetko a privádzajúc to priamo do sveta Jeho stvorenia. To je to, čo On hovorí: Svet môjho stvorenia. Vieš, ak chceš vidieť raj, jednoducho sa rozhliadni a pozeraj sa naň.
And I'm going to leave you with this if you want to change the world, there's nothing to it because there's nothing impossible with God. And with God there's nothing impossible but we are His vine, You know, He's the vine, we are the branches of his vine, and so He wants to use you in that way. So I just hope that you will be set free which is another line from this. You'll be set free if you live there. If you live in your imagination of all the things that He could possibly do, be a dreamer. Dream big. Dream beyond what it is and even then He says His ways, His thoughts,His plans are just far beyond.
A nechám ťa tu s týmto, ak chceš zmeniť svet, nič na tom nie je, pretože Bohu nie je nič nemožné. A s Bohom nie je nič nemožné, ale my sme Jeho vinič. Chápeš, On je vinič, my sme ratolesti Jeho viniča, a tak On ťa chce použiť týmto spôsobom. Takže len dúfam, že budeš oslobodená, čo je ďalší riadok z tejto piesne. Budeš oslobodená, ak tam bývaš. Ak žiješ vo svojej predstave o všetkých veciach, ktoré by On mohol urobiť, buď snílek. Snívaj vo veľkom. Snívaj nad rámec toho, čo to je, a dokonca aj vtedy On hovorí, že Jeho cesty, Jeho myšlienky, Jeho plány sú oveľa väčšie.
So I just hope that this will really encourage you to view Paradise no matter where you are. No, I'm not living in Paradise anymore, but I am living in paradise because I'm living with Him and everywhere I am I can see paradise and I hope you can too.
Takže, len dúfam, že ťa to skutočne povzbudí, aby si sa pozerala na raj bez ohľadu na to, kde sa nachádzaš. Nie, ja už nežijem v Raji, ale žijem v raji, pretože žijem s Ním a všade, kde som, vidím raj a dúfam, že ty tiež.