I just finished watching the praise on a zoom meeting from our Board of Directors and they always begin with praise because it says “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” So in each of our Ministry Team Member meetings, including the Board of Directors, it always starts with everyone sharing a praise. And the one praise that was shared was from Paula, our minister in Brazil, and she shared how she and her husband (she has a restored marriage) that their house was actually paid off! But... because there were all these other bills and things being thrown at her at about the same time— and she was distracted from the praise—and this is just a common scheme of the enemy who loves to come in and steal what is rightfully God’s! That's his scheme— he wants to “kill, steal and destroy”!
Práve som dopozerala chválu na zoom stretnutí našich Vedúcich Riaditeliek a tie vždy začínajú chválou, pretože sa hovorí: „Vstupujte do jeho brán s piesňou chvály“. Takže na každom stretnutí členiek nášho tímu spoločenstva, vrátane Vedúcich Riaditeliek, to vždy začína tým, že sa všetky delia o chválu. A jedna chvála, ktorá bola zdieľaná, bola od Pauly, našej služobníčky v Brazílii, a podelila sa o to, ako ona a jej manžel (má obnovené manželstvo), majú ich dom skutočne splatený! Ale... pretože na ňu boli hádzané všetky ostatné účty a veci približne v rovnakom čase–bola vyrušená z tejto chvály–a toto je len obyčajná schéma nepriateľa, ktorý rád prichádza a kradne to, čo je právom Božie! To je jeho schéma–chce „zabíjať, kradnúť a ničiť“!
And that's why we need to be diligent and step away from being in the midst of the storm and really look at what's going on because it's in those storms that the most amazing things happen. That's when miracles happen and the storm a lot of times is the enemy's distraction from what God is doing or has done. So we need to keep our focus on Him, we need to stay under His umbrella, under His wings of protection so that we don't miss out (which is right in front of us) and to look for all the good that is coming at us during these really difficult times. Because this is it and we're going to be blessed in the midst of it “all things work together for good” because “we love God” because we're “called according to His purpose as His bride.
A preto musíme byť usilovné a odstúpiť od bytia uprostred búrky a skutočne sa pozrieť na to, čo sa deje, pretože práve v týchto búrkach sa dejú tie najúžasnejšie veci. Vtedy sa dejú zázraky a búrkou často nepriateľ odvádza pozornosť od toho, čo Boh robí alebo urobil. Takže sa musíme sústrediť na Neho, musíme zostať pod Jeho dáždnikom, pod Jeho krídlami ochrany, aby sme nepremeškali (čo je priamo pred nami) a hľadeli na všetko dobré, čo prichádza ku nám v týchto naozaj ťažkých časoch. Pretože toto je ono a my budeme požehnané uprostred toho „všetko, čokoľvek sa stane, slúži na dobré“, pretože „milujeme Boha“, pretože sme „povolal podľa Svojho odvekého plánu“ ako Jeho nevesta.
Week 21 “Sleeping in the Storms”
Týždeň 21 „Spanie počas Búrky“